Look how drop dead gorgeous this momma is in her maternity photos!! Can you believe she is going to have 3 under 3? These little girls made me work for every smile, but it was so worth it!

One of my favorite locations for maternity portraits in Tallahassee is the gardens. ha I shoot there so much the entrance attendees know me now. lol But what I like so much about this amazing location is all the different knocks and crannies where I can get such a grate range of images and backdrops in a quick time to make it as easy as possible for pregnant mommas.
It was a very hot afternoon, but this mom was a champ for her maternity photos. I was drenched at the end of her session and she still looked like a model.

I LOVE how this maternity gown looks on her skin tone. It was like it was made for her.
maternity photos are so important. Most moms do not feel they’re best in the third trimester, and it can be hard to find what to wear, and that is why I pride myself in having over 50 maternity gowns in all styles, and sizes so every mom can feel as good as she looks. Maternity photography is so special to me, and I love when I get to capture just how beautiful all woman are during pregnancy.

To view more of my maternity photos please visit my maternity information page