Senior Portraits Tallahassee Florida
Its that time again!!! Time to get your senior portraits!!! It is so crazy to think that another school year is already almost over, and a new class of high school students are about to become seniors! One of the funnest things you get to do your senior year of high school is plan your senior portrait session!

Senior portrait are 100% personalized to fit your style and personality! For example, Are you artiest? Maybe some bright red converses in from of a painted vintage mural sounds like fun. Are you country? Maybe then an old rusted vintage truck in an overgrown field fits your style. Maybe you like everything to sparkle like your glamorous personality! Then it is all about being a model for a day and strutting around downtown with sparkling high heels, and a killer dress. Your senior portraits should express who YOU are.

Its your senior year of high school!!! You have the entire world at your feet, what will you do? Who will you become? The world might seam big and scary but sweet girl you are going to rock it!!!

Sara you ROCK
I had so much fun getting to know you more Sara. and I know you will do amazing things with your life. One day you will look back at these times in your life with such a bitter sweet feeling.. yes school is hard, becoming a adult is hard, but as hard as it is the sweet times when you can fight with your mom over silly things, and wrestle with your siblings.. Soon you will all live farther apart, and you will not get to kiss your mamma daily, or kiss your baby siblings before bed every night.

And years from now you will be tucking your own babies into bed, and will think back to these times when life was so simple yet so sweet.. So soak it in girl, every moment soak it in. Life gets sweeter every year, but sleep does get less and less… lol

View more of Nicole Everson Photography High school senior portrait gallery.